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Psychodrama Therapy

What is Psychodrama?

Psychodrama, also known as psychotherapy, is a group-action therapy method in which clients act out dramatizations of situations that could potentially happen outside of rehab. As a therapy method, it helps identify behaviors and address emotions that arise during the recovery process. Specialized therapists guide a group or individual through particular themes, using role-playing, dramatic interpretation, and other activities.

psychodrama therapy for addiction
Psychodrama therapy can help people talk about what may be contributing factors to their addiction

Origins of Psychodrama

Originally devised by a psychiatrist for his patients, psychodrama therapy has been used to help people of all ages since the 1930s. Over the decades, it became apparent that psychodrama techniques are an extremely effective way for anyone to help resolve stressful issues and problems that could arise during a client’s time outside of treatment.

Psychodrama Therapy for Addiction Treatment

Psychodrama therapy at Cycles of Change in Palmdale is an important part of each individual’s treatment plan. Patients in drug or alcohol addiction counseling in our Palmdale location often find our psychodrama techniques extremely effective, not only during the residential treatment phase, but also as a long-term recovery tool.

Psychodrama Therapy Techniques During Addiction Treatment

Drug and alcohol problems begin for many reasons. Some people use drugs or alcohol to cope with symptoms of anxiety or depression. Others become addicted through prescription drug use, or to help control fears or painful situations. Psychodrama techniques help our clients in many ways, including giving the opportunity to:

  • Express painful past situations related to addiction
  • Explore the personal origins of the drug or alcohol problem
  • Practice situations that cause fear and anxiety about leaving rehab
  • Improve interactions with others under the supportive environment of role-playing
  • Engage in groups sessions that teach interpersonal skills, and allow participants to give and receive support and understanding

Psychodrama therapy techniques often reveal areas of distress that a person has been feeling, but was never able to talk about or admit were contributing to their addiction.

Certified addiction counselors at Cycles of Change have experience in helping those in recovery explore painful issues through psychodrama. From this, new coping strategies can be developed and new insights obtained.

Although psychodrama therapy sessions can open up mental and emotional wounds at times, because the atmosphere is open and nonjudgmental, those who use psychodrama as part of their substance abuse plan have found the experience more valuable than they believed possible.

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