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Meditation & Yoga

Meditation & Yoga for Addiction Recovery

Yoga therapy and meditation are effective additions to treatment and relapse prevention. Using only one modality of treatment in an addiction recovery plan minimizes the complexity of the individual, and makes recovery impossible.

Cycles of Change carefully works with each client to devise a progressive and multimodal treatment plan that is fully comprehensive and individualized.

Meditation and yoga therapy help during the changes you experience in rehab; later, the special skills learned in these two therapies are effective in reducing stress, relapse prevention and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

meditation for addiction therapy
person meditation in nature to help heal from drug & alcohol addiction

Meditation and Yoga Therapy in Substance Abuse Treatment

Meditation is a way of clearing the mind through purposeful breathing, and the conscious pushing away of intrusive thoughts. Research from physical strength meditation for drug addiction at Cycles of Change, Palmdale has shown that with practice, meditation makes it possible for a person to almost immediately decompress stress, and control emotions and physical symptoms.

Meditation Helps Those in Recovery:

  • relieve anxiety and fears
  • control cravings
  • improve physical symptoms related to muscle tightness, including headaches
  • let go of intrusive thoughts about past behavior and future fears
  • improves sleep
  • allows for the letting go of anger by mentally stepping back
  • creates a sense of harmony with both inner and outer surroundings
  • improves the use of oxygen in the body
  • improves the immune system
  • lightens a person’s mood

Yoga is has been around for thousands of years as a way to bring together the mind-body-and-spirit connection in a person. Yoga combines breathing, mental focus, and special stretches and postures.

Yoga Therapy Provides Many of the Same Benefits as Meditation, and Adds:

  • improved physical strength and flexibility
  • heart health
  • weight loss
  • natural sense of power and well-being

Clients in recovery at Cycles of Change, who include meditation and yoga as part of their rehab, say that they feel more connected with themselves and with other people. They are able to manage difficult situations more easily, and don’t feel powerless over their emotions anymore.

Meditation and yoga therapy are skills and tools that are taken with a person wherever they go. Learning to quiet the mind, slow down breathing, and focus more fully on the present is one of the most powerful tools that can be taken away after rehab at Cycles of Change.

Cycles of Changes provides specialists in meditation and yoga therapy to help our clients learn, and put into practice, these important health tools.

Call Us: (877) 361-1728

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